mTuzo APIs

mTuzo Offers API

Offers API mTuzo

Offers API are the core of mTuzo platform. These allow our partners to effortlessly power multiple use-cases like – offers-near-me, offer-details, Get-online-offers, report-offers-denied The offers API have a standard base URL : typically something like<version>/<APItype>/find? Currently there are 3 different APIs under offers which are Offers-near-me (4 variants) Online-Offers- API (3 variants) Offers Feedback (only 1 variant) The multiple variants have been developed to provide a high level of flexibility and configuration options. API Action Name Parameters 1 A… Read More »Offers API mTuzo


Bank Dining programs in India – an infographic

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At mTuzo, we have a live database of all bank offers. This enables us to compare offers on credit and debit cards from multiple banks even within a specific category. Since most bank’s these days are super active in the restaurants/dining segment, we decided to come up with an analysis on the top Bank Dining Programs in India. The results are interesting. Key Highlights of our study on the bank dining programs in India : Most banks offered a 15%… Read More »Bank Dining programs in India – an infographic

Bank offers on WhatsApp

Showcase bank offers on WhatsApp, FB Messenger

Are you looking to showcase your bank offers on chat interfaces like WhatsApp and FB Messenger? mTuzo can help. We all know that consumers spend a lot of time on WhatsApp and other chat interfaces. Some recent reports have quoted that Indians spend more than 90 minutes everyday on WhatsApp. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could interact with your WhatsApp for Business number and check online and offline offers too? mTuzo already has all your bank offers in its… Read More »Showcase bank offers on WhatsApp, FB Messenger

wishfin mtuzo integration

WishFin + mTuzo integration

WishFin is a leading marketplace for loans and other financial services. The WishFin app allows consumers to check their CIBIL score for free. mTuzo APIs power Offers-near-me experience for consumers on the WishFin app. They can see the unique offers for their cards, near their current or search location. Download the WishFin app and see the magic of offers delivered wherever you are. Sounds interesting? Talk to us today.

OneAssist mTuzo integration

Offers for OneAssist Wallet Assurance customers

One Assist is a leading provider of wallet assurance solutions. As a customer of OneAssist’s wallet assurance solution, the app seeks the customer’s debit and credit card details. mTuzo provides the unique offers valid for these cards in any customer’s virtual wallet. Offers that are aggregated across banks and networks. Download the OneAssist app, buy a Wallet Assurance plan and see it in action today ! Do you know the payment instruments of your customers? mTuzo can help build higher… Read More »Offers for OneAssist Wallet Assurance customers

Card benefits API

Get Cards Benefits API

Most of the credit and debit cards come with membership benefits including joining benefits, subscriptions, spend based rewards, cash back etc. This API will help you pull out the unique benefits of an individual card including Joining Benefits Annual renewal benefits CashBack (if any) Reward points multiplier Golf benefits Lounge Benefits Travel vouchers API url : <baseURL>action=offers_near_me&clientkey=< clientkey >&clientpass=< clientpass >&apikey=< apikey >&user_latitude=< user latitude >&user_longitude=< user longitude >&cardcode = < individual specific card code> Parameters: action = get_card_benefits clientkey =… Read More »Get Cards Benefits API

mTuzo Chrome Extension

mTuzo Chrome Extension for eComm Offers

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A Chrome Extension to showcase your eComm shopping/card offers, may be a good asset in your eComm strategy. Why? Getting a bigger share of your customer’s online spends is a key goal for most banking and payment professionals. In most cases, apart from making it a more convenient and friction-less payment experience, there is usually an offer/incentive element also trigger trials and early adoption. mTuzo works with banks and fintechs via the Online Offers API Most banks engage with the… Read More »mTuzo Chrome Extension for eComm Offers


mTuzo API integration steps

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mTuzo APIs have been designed for not only powering the specific use-cases that drive more spends, but also to ensure that the API integration steps are simple and intuitive. Step 1: Which APIs will I need in my integration? As a first step, we recommend you to identify the exact APIs that would be needed in the integration. The list of mTuzo APIs available for our partners are as under Get Banks Get Cities Get Cards (& Card codes) Get… Read More »mTuzo API integration steps

Offers Feedback API

Offers Feedback API

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Need for an Offers Feedback API – The moment of truth for an offer campaign is when the customer has a great experience at the store. But many a times, the customer’s experience is far from satisfactory. The offer may have been declined to the customer and in that moment, the customer feels highly dis-empowered. As part of our Offers API bouquet, we also power Offers-Feedback API. We put control back in the hands of the customer. Any time the… Read More »Offers Feedback API


Online Offers API

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eCommerce spends are growing at a very high pace. And as issuers, we need to ensure that we get a higher share of our customer’s online spends. While the banks spend a lot of effort in regularly sourcing online offers from the top ecomm merchants, many a times the customers are not aware of it. Or they miss out due to the cluttered check-out page. Sometimes the merchant(s) may not promote the offer effectively. All said, we need to have… Read More »Online Offers API

Offers-Near-Me API response


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The Offers-Near-Me API is available in multiple variants (as detailed below). Choose the one that works best for your current environment. Also read how this API can be used for Offers-near-ATM use-case Offers-Near-me with Latlon API url : <baseURL>action=offers_near_me&clientkey=< clientkey >&clientpass=< clientpass >&apikey=< apikey >&user_id=< userid >&user_latitude=< user latitude >&user_longitude=< user longitude >&card_codes = < specific card codes> Parameters: action = offers_near_me clientkey = < client key > clientpass= < client password > apikey = < api key > user_id =… Read More »Offers-Near-Me


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mTuzo APIs can enable a powerful customer journey based on Offers-Near-ATM. The challenge for most debit card issuers is that a big chunk of the “active” portfolio is only ATM active and POS inactive. I.e. the customers use their debit cards only to withdraw cash at ATMs but do not use it for shopping in-stores or online. What if? We engage with customers who are transacting at a specific ATM and showcase relevant offers within “x” meters? This would be… Read More »Offers-Near-ATM

Error Codes

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Error Code Response Description MT000 ‘Invalid API Call’ ‘Please get API keys to make calls.’ MT101 ‘Method “XXX” not found.’ The requested method was not found. MT102 ‘Missing required parameter’ Parameters which are required have not been sent MT103 ‘Invalid Location’ Invalid range of latitude/longitude has been sent MT106 ‘Parameter “XXX” has an invalid value.’ The provided parameter value is not valid. MT303 ‘Service currently unavailable’ The requested service is temporarily unavailable. MT302 ‘Unexpected error’ ‘An unexpected error was encountered… Read More »Error Codes